Getwele pioneered and proved a correlation between biochemical restoration/balance (using nutrition) and reduction in drug desire/seeking behavior since 1995

Getwele Recovery & Wellness Center

                                       When there is no desire, there is no seeking


Wendy Lynch,PhD.

Depart of Pychiatry, University of Virginia Medical School Animal Division

Dr. Lynch is  Getwele's research partner and Principal Investigator on the joint NIH/NIDA proposal on the preclinical proof-of-concept data for the use of SMAASH-C as an effective, safe, and selective anti-cocaine seeking intervention.

She  has more than 18 years of experience conducting drug self-administration studies including heroin in male and female animals, and more than 11 years of experience with designing, coordinating, and analyzing molecular data. She also has experience conducting drug self-administration studies in humans as well as collaborating on translational research efforts. 


David J. Fink, PhD

Entrepreneur in Residence

Dave has worked in biotechnology and biomedical product development for more than 40 years. He was a top officer of seven start-ups. In addition to advising life science incubator companies which include Getwele at bwtech@UMBC, he is the Site Miner for UMBC research that support  Maryland Innovation Initiatives.


KYDES Pharmaceuticals LLC

KYDES Pharmaceuticals LLC is a privately owned pharmaceutical company with a vision to design scientifically sound and cost-effective pharmaceutical products based on the state-of-the-art knowledge and technologies. Kydes is the manufacturer of Getwele's SMAASH-Products and its placebo for its research studies.

Kimberly Brown, Ph.D

Chief Executive Officer at Amethyst Technologies, LLC and Aeon Technologies, LLC

Kimberly Brown Ph.D founded Advent Laboratories in 2016 and provides ISO 17025 for Food and Drug Administration, United States Pharmacopeia, and Herbal Pharmacopoeia. The company also provides compliant testing services to support the pharmaceutical, water and sanitation, agriculture, biotechnology, forensic, and cosmetic industries. Our support includes analytical analysis, stability testing, research and development, validation, microbial testing, and retail services.

Advent Lab will perform testing for Getwele's SMAASH products . 


Pete Estsacio MD, Ph.D.

American Sample Archive

Dr. Estsacio is the owner of American Sample Archive that Getwele will collaborate with and Dr Kann.

In Dr Estsacio's laboratory, epigenetic markers will be identified to help manage the drug seeking behavior seen in individuals who have altered methylation and/or acetylation patterns that likely correlate with heroin dependence. 

Helen N. Asemota, Ph.D

Professor Of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Director Of Biotechnology Center
At Mona, Jamaica

Prof. Asemota  has served UWI for more than two decades and has lectured for over 30 years at the undergraduate, postgraduate and postdoctoral levels collectively in different parts of the world.  She also serves as an international Biotechnology Consultant to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization. 

Getwele did a 7-year collaboration with her laboratory to identify the biochemical mechanism of action by which SMASSH-C was able to reduce drug seeking behavior in cocaine dependent rats. Getwele also collaborated with the department of physiology to do behaviorial study on the effect of SMAASH-C on amphetamine seeking rats. The study showed a reduction in seeking.

